Training courses
Here you will find all of the training courses offered by our Robotics training center.
Individual training courses tailored to your needs are possible by arrangement.
IRC5-training courses
- IRC5 Introductory course – Industrial robots
- IRC5 BE: Operation
- IRC5 PG1: Programming basics 1
- IRC5 PG2: Programming basics 2
- IRC5 PG3: Programming basics 3
- IRC5 PS-RS1: RobotStudio 1
- IRC5 PS-RS2: RobotStudio 2
- IRC5 PS-RS-Online: RobotStudio Online
- IRC5 Upgrade Workshop: Robot specialists
- IRC5 YuMi1: YuMi basics
- IRC5 YuMi2: YuMi advanced
- IRC5 SD: Faults and Diagnostics
- IRC5 SE: Service Electric
- IRC5 PS-PN: ProfiNet
- IRC5 PS-SP: SafeMovePro
- IRC5 PS-S-Adm: SafeMove Administrator
- IRC5 Machine Safety
- Certification Safety commissioning engineer
- IRC5 MRK: Human-Robot-Collaboration
- IRC5 PS-A: Plant operation
- IRC5 PS-C: Conveyor Tracking
- IRC5 PS-FCM: Force Control for Machining
- IRC5 PS-I: Initiation
- IRC5 PS-IV: Integrated Vision
- IRC5 PS-M: Multitasking
- IRC5 PS-MMV: MultiMove
- IRC5 PS-PM: PickMaster 3 basics
- IRC5 PS-RWMT: RobotWare Machine Tending
- IRC5 PS-S+EPS: SafeMove and EPS
- IRC5 APT-IDFPG-B: Gluing Basics
- IRC5 APT-IDFPG-ME: Gluing Mechanic
- IRC5 APT-IDFPG-SE: Gluing Electric
- IRC5 APT-IDFPS-B: Sealing Basics
- IRC5 APT-IDFPS-ME: Sealing Mechanic
- IRC5 APT-IDFPS-SE: Sealing Electric
- IRC5 BE-S: Operation Shielded Arc Welding
- IRC5 APT-S1: Shielded arc welding 1
- IRC5 APT-S2: Shielded arc welding 2
- IRC5 APT-P: Spot welding
- IRC5 ME 120: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 1200: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 140: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 1600: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 1600ID: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 2400: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 2600: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 2600ID: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 360: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 4400 FP: Mechanics FoundryPrime
- IRC5 ME 4400: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 4600 FP: Mechanics FoundryPrime
- IRC5 ME 4600: Mechanics
- IRC5 ME 6640 FP: Mechanics FoundryPrime
IRC5P-(Painting robot) training courses
- IRC5P PG1-L: Programming basics 1 Painting
- IRC5P PG2-L: Programming basics 2 Painting
- IRC5P PS-RS: RobotStudio Paint
- IRC5P SD: Faults and Diagnostics
- IRC5P SE-L: Electrical equipment course
- IRC5P APT-L-CBS: Painting – CartridgeBellSystem
- IRC5P APT-L-IPS: Painting – Integrated Process System
- IRC5P ME 5400: Mechanics course on robot mechanics IRB 5400-12
- IRC5P ME 5500: Mechanics course on robot mechanicsIRB 5500